Friday, January 29, 2010

.oh miss mabel is officially open!!

I thought this day would never come!
I am terribly sorry my opening date was ,oh, 7
days late! Ha. I'm starting to realize that those two
little monsters of mine delay me quite a bit!!

I have a bunch of new items posted in my shop
and some old ones from .cute as a button.

And you may ask
"Chantel, why change your shop's name?"
And the answer to that is, I simply wanted
something that was a little bit more personal.
Whenever I hear "cute as a button", I think of little kid
cutesy stuff. I don't really mak
e anything like that!

I really enjoy making classy, vintage inspired jewelry
and I felt that I needed a name that reflected that.
Why .oh miss mabel?
My family has called me Mabel since I was a little girl,
and it reminds me of my grandmother and all of the
beautiful jewelry she had.

all photos taken by .oh miss mabel©

So make sure you stop by my shop:
.oh miss mabel [a boutique]

Monday, January 11, 2010

I love...... Joanna Rutter

I came across this cute little shop on one of my favorite blogs

and I just thought it was so cute!! I especially love the raincloud
and umbrella earrings.

(photos from

All of her items are handcrafted and so inspiring.
Go check out her blog and website at:

Only 11 more days until my shop's grand opening!

Friday, January 8, 2010

.new year, new shop

Pronunciation (MAY bull)
Origin = French
Meaning = Lovable
Shortened form of Amabel originally, later thought
to be the French ma belle (my lovely girl), therefore
sometimes found as Mabelle.


Hello world!
Grand opening of
.oh miss mabel will be
January 22, 2010